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Gambar Paranormal Diambil Seluruh Dunia

This is the infamous ‘Brown Lady’ of Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. It is said to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount of Raynham. The Viscount suspected his wife of adultery and, according to rumor, had her locked away in a remote part of the hall to live out a sad and lonely existence. She has often been seen since her death, most famously in the early 1800s by none other than King George 4th.

This is an image captured in 1966 by the Reverend Ralph Hardy of White Rock, British Columbia. It was taken at the Greenwich Maritime Museum in England, which the Rev. Hardy was visiting with his wife as part of a trip to London. It shows what appears to be a ghostly figure gripping on to the rails of the museum’s famous ‘Tulip Staircase’. Not what you’d usually expect to see on vacation!

During a visit to her mother’s grave in 1959, Mrs. Mabel Chinnery decided to take some photos of the grave site. On a whim, she also decided to take one of her husband who was sitting alone in his car. Or was he? When the photos were developed, Mabel was shocked to discover this ghostly figure sitting behind her husband. We’ve heard of back seat drivers, but this is something else!

This is a photo taken in 1968 of paranormal investigator Robert A. Ferguson as he was giving a speech at a spiritualist convention in Los Angeles, California. The ghostly apparition that appears next to Ferguson was later identified as his brother, Walter, who had died during World War II. Many think the image of the ‘ghost’ is caused by double exposure, but as it was taken on a single-exposure Polaroid camera, that seems unlikely.

When Mrs. Andrews of Queensland, Australia visited the grave of her daughter, she got the shock of her life when the photograph she took of the grave came back from processing. Sitting at the side of the grave was the ghostly figure of an infant child. Mrs. Andrews’ daughter had died as an adult, so who could the child be? A paranormal investigator visited the area and discovered the graves of two children located near Mrs. Andrews’ daughter’s grave.

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