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Jurugambar menggunakan beratus-ratus gambar untuk mencipta fikiran-lentur ilusi


Go Your Own Road by Erik Johansson

"The only thing that limits us is our imagination"
- Erik Johansson (Swedish photographer and retoucher)

Have you ever imagined travelling across the world in giant boots or sea water splashing out from a painting?

Erik Johansson is not just a photographer who captures the precious moments in life, he captures ideas in his photographs. Johansson is a Swedish photographer and retoucher who uses hundreds of photographs to create mind-bending optical illusions.

His works are not animations or paintings but a well-planned collection of photographs that are compiled and created using the magic of Photoshop.

Johansson spends a lot of time to complete each project,  which may be a few days or several weeks.

Some of his ideas can be weird and some are simply gorgeous:

Arms break, vases don't

Set them free

Walk away


Drifting Away

Watch this video to see how he manages to create this incredible photo:

The Berlin-based photographer gave a TED talk in 2012 and ended his six minute speech with "...all the tools are out there, and the only thing that limits us is our imagination."

Would you let your imagination run wild and create a whole new world through photographs?

Photo credit:

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