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5 Jalan Paling Bahaya Di Dunia

Many of us Malaysian drivers believe that we are the most skilful drivers in the world. We are definitely blessed with good infrastructure which allows us to be ‘skilful’ drivers on the road.
However, do you think Malaysians can survive driving daily on these roads?
Here are 5 dangerous roads from around the world!

The Death Road, Bolivia

At a height of 4,700 meters, the Death Road is a 61 to 69 km road leading two regions in Bolivia, South America. Despite an estimated 300 lives lost each year, it remains a huge attraction for thrill seeking tourist.

Guoling Tunnel Road, China

It is one of the most famous tunnels in the world and is carved along the side of and through a mountain. It was built in 1972 by villagers in a remote area of the Taihang Mountains to reach to the outside world.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway, China

The 2142km long Sichuan-Tibet Highway experiences a fast change in climate where landslides and rock avalanches are common. At an average speed, it takes 15 days to reach your destination. 

Trollstigen, Norway

This route is at a length of 55km and is 858 meters above the sea level. There  is a large parking area at the peak allowing visitors to park and view the Stigfossen waterfall which falls 320 meters down the side of the mountain.

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

There are only 3 petrol stations available over the entire course of this route.  Vehicle’s headlights must always be switched on. Its highest peak is at 1444 meter above the sea level. 

Photo Credit: Panaromio, Funny Video & Photo, Top Gear Road Trips, Oddee, Alaska Photogenic, One world 

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